Message: LL, personal inquirery??

Re: TOMMEEEK/Doni/LL, personal inquirery?? / jefother...OT

posted on Apr 20, 2008 05:13PM

JEF....My apologies to emit and murph on this. However I am compelled to update one last time, my comments last night. I did get a chance to listen to Brinker's program from yesterday, but not until TODAY. And Jef, you are correct, these things are important to the future of edig and lots of other companies.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised, that in the first 15 minutes of his program yesterday, he re-itterated EXACTLY what I posted last night and he still has strong feelings about this. If it turns out that the results from the first quarter and then the second quarter are a negative GDP, then it will qualify under the normal definition as a short, mild recession.

He still feels strongly that the economy will come roaring back in the second have of THIS YEAR, and into 2009, and the market is the place to be throughout these corrections! I thought it was important that I posted this again, because of what I learned today.

If anyone is interested in this guy, I would highly recommend him and he is relatively cheap. For $4.95 per month you can listen to all, or any, of his six hours per weekend at your convenience and not tie up your precious weekend time. Sorry to those who do not like this post, but that will be it from me for awhile on this topic! Have a great week all!


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