Message: LL, personal inquirery??

"The question is "benefit" to whom!?..."

Wall Street

If you're part of it, fine no problem. If you had the foresight to see what was going to happen and bought a Wallmart, great. Most people do not have this foresight or ability. I know some folks that did....their last name is Clinton, they actually helped it along.

The economy of the US is totally consumer ...without adding much of the productivity to it.

For a period Wall Street made out great, by not reflecting their overseas cost when reselling to the US consumer. That is now changing, Joe six pack is getting smart at figuring out where he's being ripped off and wants his true discount for over seas products.

The garment and textile industries have been a big ripoff for some time now. I Just recently checked out a new garment store that opened in the Sarasota Sq Mall...Steve and Jerry's, everything in the store is 9 bucks. There was a line at the register while I noticed the other stores were mostly Most all the products come from India...and to me the prices truly reflect what they should be for that junk. The goods look exactly like OldNavy, GAP...etc type products, without the price. This is big change IMO, but as GB says....they're jobs that Americans don't textile will never come back to this country.

For all here, how's your credit card situation? How many here are strung out on them?

IMO...This country is totally strung out on CC debt...They're all buying the Chinamart shit, putting it on CC's and paying any where from 15 to 29% carrying costs.

With that problem, "Banker" Wall Street allowed "no questions" easy financing terms, for that new 4 bedroom house.

Two year prior Bankruptcy? No I will never understand why this happened, or, what the Wall Street bankers were up to....but, there's a reason for why things happen.

No matter how you slice it...there's a mess.....and, IMO, a problem is surfacing with the dollar.

There's a distrust of the whole system at this point.

And it all relates


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