Message: EDig will NOT declare bankruptcy....not even close...

EDig will NOT declare bankruptcy....not even close...

posted on Jun 12, 2008 02:06PM

First of all I asked that question of RP 3 weeks ago and he told me EDig has had some dark days, very close to turning the lights off and closing the doors but we are NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THAT NOW.

We have income, DM and very friendly lenders who will pony up more, much more capital if it becomes necessary. Of course that means selling or giving options on more shares but as RP put it "Frank we will survive, we always have".

If you believe EDig is a going concern and will have success with DM and the eVu, win the BOW lawsuit then buying is warranted. If you have doubts then selling is warranted

I personally believe EDig will survive and prosper. It might take a little more time than we all wish but it will happen, so you know what I am doing....

Jun 12, 2008 05:22PM
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