Message: Did anyone here have an AON order at .095?

Did anyone here have an AON order at .095?

posted on Aug 19, 2008 12:25PM

at 13:20 the ask went up to .100 from .095

at 13:44 the bid came up from .085 to .087

at 13:56 there were 4 actions in 30 seconds:

1.) ask went to .088,

2.)19 seconds later it went to .095,

3.) 5 seconds after that there were 10,000 sld at the bid of .087.

(This pattern has happened over the past few days, a drop in the ask, then an immediate increase again in the ask with a subsequent trade at the bid)

And then

4.) an intermarket trade of 200s at .09 6 seconds later. (a signal??)

at 14:10 the bid was raised to .09, ask at .095.

at 14:16 b at .09 a at .10

at 14:18 100s at the bid (.09)

at 14:19 400s at the bid (.09)

at 15:06 b lowered to .087 (a unchanged at .10)

at 15:07 b raised to .095

at 15:18 5,000s at the bid.

at 15:55 two actions:

1.) bid lowered to .087,

2.) 3 seconds later an intermarket trade went through at .095 for 5,000 shares.

finally at 16:01 b is posted (perhaps for tomorrow's open) at .087, with the ask at .10.

If somoeone had an AON order at .095, the bid would come up as it did earlier to reflect that open order. My suspicion is that a MM was trying to fill the prder, at 15:18 was able to locate 5,000s (bought from another MM) and returned them in the intermarket trade at 15:55 (at .095) when other real sellers did not materialize If this is true, then the day's volume is actually under 25,000s.

When you look at the anemic volume this morning, it appears the MMs are not selling at the .08X levels either... only 14,270s were traded until 13:56 today...

I wish I had the full trading day b/a records, but Bill needs to really work on how updates are completed.

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