Message: Re: EDIG Law Firms - Lawyer Long
Jan 22, 2009 07:54AM

Jan 22, 2009 08:00AM

Re: EDIG Law Firms - Lawyer Long

posted on Jan 22, 2009 12:44PM


1) "Why would they mention it?" they might mention it because it's true, that is the direction they intend on going. It makes sense that they've tried in the past but have not had the monetary foundation to make potential partners feel comfortable, even if they liked the idea. That challenge has/is changing as we speak.

2) Why would they talk about "opening orders" which never become large orders? Announcing an opening order is not a guarantee of a "large order" is it? Did they claim it was going to be a large order? (even if they thought it would become a large order, the world changed...that has and is happening to all businesses)

3) "RP is a master of talking about what he "believes" will happen in the future. Still doing it." When was the last time you spoke to RP? If it was recent did he use the word expect? I haven't seen much of that in information provided by the company or heard such from individuals for quite some time.

4) "I'm not sure when DM was brought on board but it has to be at least a year - in that entire year they have filed two lawsuits, one of which is, in my opinion, no longer viable. If we are waiting on Markmans to move forward that is another year down the road. There have been 3 settlements of some sort during that time." I don't even know how to respond to that (almost) :) 1 year ago I think you would have been surprised/shocked to know that within the next year we would have filed and won several cases all ready, let alone feel like it wasn't enough? (I want more too)

5) Hopefully we will indeed see filing against 20 more defendants, many more resulting settlements, and much more activity during this year. If so, 2009 could be, as Okie says, a good year. If 3 lawsuits and 4 settlements take place that puts it ahead of 2008. I won't be disappointed if the only file against 10. Why would DM leave after such early/easy success to date? That is the only reason why there would be no more suits.

In short the manner in which the company shares information with the shareholders has changed considerably in the last several years. In doing such they have regained my trust when I weigh what they have to say. Until they prove otherwise I will choose to believe that they believe what they report (what more could anyone ask?) I believe we will see additionally suits filed soon. I believe they are seriously seeking partners. I believe that management has faith as some have invested there own money as we have. I believe that we are a very different company than ptsc and the circumstances that have had an effect on them does not mean that we will follow the same path. I would prefer that everything goes our way with the Wencor situation, but I am not depending on it and as I've said before I would just like them in our rear view mirror. I believe that if phase two suits never occur we can still be an extremely successful company, and if phase two suits do occur and go our way I believe we can be "wildly successful". I choose to have faith and continue on with hope.

That is my "I believe" speech. Next I'll do my "I have a dream speech" :)


Jan 23, 2009 08:29AM

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