Message: Re: what Obama should have said yesterday

I do not have to remind you that we all in tough economic times but if you invest in Edig and its technology your future will be bright.

Edig is the only company that will bail you out, our govenment is broke but edig will ride the wave and conquer the shores of technology. we the American people should have believed in Edig's tech way back then but let us forget the past and look at the future and fellow American Edig is here to the rescue.

I just wish this is just what our Current President sholud have said I know he is charismatic and his words and well picked I wish we can have him do our PR . LOL

As Pres. Obama said we will come back stronger and yes fellow ediggers we will.

Feb 25, 2009 08:55AM

Feb 25, 2009 09:01AM

Feb 25, 2009 09:18AM
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