Message: e.DIGITAL ANNOUNCEs Licensing and have me at a disadvantage when you speak in technical terms so I won't even attempt to discuss that with you.

I did notice from your display that all 6 have something in common......FlashR. Is this the lynch pin of EDIG's IP? Without it, would EDIG be just another "also ran"company or does EDIG have any other unique IP they can either cash in on or use to distinguish itself in either developing new products or improving on the existing one. (Note I used the singular because till now, notwithstanding the speculation to the contrary, it's the only one I'm sure of.) :>)

Let's move to the fantasy future in which EDIG settles with all 174 (or 180 or whatever) infringers by licensing it's FlashR. For all intents and purposes the whole world will have a right to use it. That means EDIG no longer has a unique process and, instead, will have to compete on even terms with the 800 pound gorillas who acquired it. Remember what happened the last time they tried that? :>) Pray for partnerships and ongoing revenue.

They may secure a zillion X licensing agreements along the way but they'll be worthless unless EDIG finds a way to use them to produce revenue.The ironic part of all this is, each time EDIG"settles" with one of these companies, the less competitive it becomes.

What's the bottom line? At some point EDIG has to break out, produce and sell products outside of IFE otherwise it's revenue will remain completely dependent upon IP litigation. So far it's been relatively easy but what happens if that well runs dry?

Through all this, I do understand that the company has been forced to share it's most valuable asset. There's some doubt in my mind, however, that the eVU, will ever produce the revenue we thought it would unless the company finds other markets for it.

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