Message: Short Interest Position Drops Again

I have a question for you

posted on May 13, 2009 06:00AM

Why do you keep asking the Company questions you know they won't answer?

Does your business acumen ever kick in and tell you that RP is not going to answer questions from chat room posters, "inverstors", or anyone else?

Would Edig answer questions about their organization, sales numbers, business or patent enforcement strategy now, in the middle of the Wencor Trial and the Samsung infringement case?

Are you really that beefed-up that you can't recognize the 6 cases settled and wait for the 10-k to see the numbers?

asking these questions now is untimely, and anyone with any business acumen or common sense would do 2 things in order to get some answers:

1. Wait for the appeal period to end after the Wencor decision (with no appeal having been taken), and

2. Wait for the 10-k.


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