Message: Re: 10K...Outperformed?.... nn1942...COMBA...
Icon president 10K
Jun 16, 2009 04:37PM

Jun 16, 2009 04:45PM
Jun 16, 2009 04:53PM
Jun 16, 2009 04:59PM
Jun 16, 2009 05:05PM
Jun 16, 2009 05:14PM
Jun 16, 2009 05:18PM

Jun 16, 2009 05:21PM
Jun 16, 2009 05:22PM

Jun 16, 2009 05:29PM

Jun 16, 2009 05:50PM
Jun 16, 2009 05:51PM

Jun 16, 2009 07:08PM
Jun 17, 2009 08:22AM

Your disclaimer at the end says it all...Your first "Gut Reaction" was/is correct. The NNNS are out in force to deflect from the "importance" of this day any way they can...

Indeed, my first reaction in looking at the posts this morning was, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?". Why are these people talking about BEJING CONFERENCE?...

Here we have the arrival of the day every one has been talking and dreaming about. A day when we can point to hard numbers at the "Bottom line" and see that we have a company that is making "Money", and there is much, much more to come...

Instead, we have the focus shifted by the NNNS to a conference in Bejing where they may be planning ways to legally obfuscate the legitimate claims of legitimate patent holders like EDIG in the future...

For almost 10 years we have been bombarded by the NNNS about the company just issuing shares, acquiring debt, and making no "Money". And RP has been lambasted by by the their LEADER as being unresponsive to his detailed questions with a not so veiled threath of starting a campaign to put "Their People" on the Boarda, yad,yad,yada...

Now that their gripe have turned to a NON ISSUE, they are sowing a new field about how EDIG PATENT are going to be attacked, trying to scare the begibees out of you!?...

Who cares what is taking place in BEJIENG. Besides, do you suppose DM is not aware of it?...

This is not about Bejing Conference, an irrelevant none issue in EDIG'S stated plans. If it comes up is shall be dealth with. All on a "CONTINGENCY FEE BASIS" with no additional expenditure by EDIG that might hamper its stated goal of expanding its foot print in the FLASH UTILIZATION MARKET through improving its fincancials, (which they are doing), and having cross licenses with many of the industries leaders in the field...

Initially I was going to ignore it all, but then I read your post and its disclaimer.

You have to go with your gut reaction my friend and say it like it is. Sometimes it is important to sift through the mud and get to the FACTS...

Here you have a venerated LEADER of the group who for years has been griping on this board about RP not giving him a straight ANSWER. And yet, the one time that he gets a detailed ANSWER from RP he does not have the decency of doing what every one else does; that is post the reply or a version of it on the board for every one to read. He is going to digest and meld it to his purpose before we see what RP said on the issue...

This is not about Bejing conference. This about control of the minds here by a group that are bent to slow down and or eleminate the imapct of EDIG accomplishments any way they can...

And that is how I see it. IMO EDIG haS reached a milestone in its development into a legitimate money making company, and they are in good hands of DM who can handle any RABBITS thrown at them by defendants and their lawyers and fellow travellors...

Goog Luck to all...


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