Message: Financials..Nov 15 or Feb 15

You asked:...

"But what IF ?!......we only get 5 million as our share? What say you then?:...

Good question. I guess we cry a little!?...Lol...

However, you have focused on the wrong part of the message contained in my post to Larry...

I was expressing my opinion on the things DM gave up for whatever the settlement amount turns up to be...

In my opinion the choice of SAMSUNG as the poster boy for the Markman Hearing by DM was a magnificent move. It had all the elements for a succeful result. And, (and this is the essence of the message), It had great Value in terms of its impact on the remainder of the cases to be prosecuted against the rest of infringers on the LIST compiled by Nanully...

If you think of it a CHESS GAME, Samsung was the QUEEN of DM. And too scarifice that for a measely 2-10 million boggles the mind. And unless there are other considerations such as Samsung agreeing to Manufacture and Market widgets containing both parties patents that are being cross licensed from which EDIG shall get an on going revenue, (Something EDIG had been wanting from day one of their decade long relationship with Samsung), I will read a $2-$5 Million one time settlement with Samsung as a complete capitulation by DM...

Simply said, Samsung was not another LG, having only a few of their camera actually infringing on EDIG patents. They are a GIANT in the FLASH Market, and their products using FLASH is an ever growing componant of their Mega earnings. And if EDIG patents are as pervasive as Nanully and the Company claim they are, ("if you pull the FLASH card out and it does not work, it infringes of EDIG Patents"), then a settlement of $2-$5 million brings to question the validity of such a claim...

In the progression of the Samsung case that we saw till it was "Settled" in September, there was no indication that DM was capitulating at any stage of it, and that they were ready to throw in the towel for couple of million a la LG, etc. Therefore, this "Settlement" has to have more to it than we are given in the PR...

Going back 10 years, all EDIG Business Plan called for was for those interested in the FLASH Market to use its patent and make widgets and pay EDIG some royalty per unit sold ala Qualcom...

We all know what happened in March of 2000 when the Tech. Buble exploded. After that it was "Phones are ringing off he Wall", and "Home runs were being hit out of the park", and "Deals were being worked out with Multi-Billion Dollar OEMS.(Samsung-may be?)"...

And I am only hoping that this law suit finally got the attention of the Mr. and Mrs Samsung who had made all such deals with EDIG but they were not delivered until the involvment of DM with EDIG...

It took a long post, (the longest I have written), to explain my view that Samsung "Settlement" should be more than $2-$5 Million...



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