Message: Just for grins

Just for grins

posted on Jan 22, 2010 06:35PM

When murgirl1 pointed out the new website under "contact us" said "we will try and reply in 5 business days" we disagreed on if this was good or biggy, and it's been changed which I agree puts forth a better image in the long run, so kudos to Pam.

I mentioned sending a test message on Monday to my local utility, SDG&E and Qualcomm via the "contact us investor relations link" and would report my findings.

Well, my question to both was, "what is your policy to respond to inquiries via this tab."

SDG&E sent an automated e-mail reply immediately stating a response would be in 48 hours or less. In 36 hours, they replied and stated the policy to be less than 48 hours...OK fine on that test.

Qualcomm had no stated policy via the IR link, no automated response, and here I am 4 days later, with no reply at all. How may IR contacts would a giant in QCOM have? I would think several...

Little ole EDIGY has one guy, and in 10 years, has replied to me in 48 hours or less.

Again, I admit this "test" is kinda stupid and insignificant, but my kudos go out to Robert none the less.

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