Message: e.Digital suspends development of next generation portable IFE By Mary Kirby


As usual you got my drift when you wrote the following:...

"I hope we found a partner and we move forward with all the products they have under the sleeve waiting patiently to put on the market with the right partner and all the licenses they already have, we are getting very close to the surprise day.."

Immagine one, or few of the 19 defendants are sitting around the table and are discussing some sort of "settlement" before January, 1, 2011.Take for example Reaserch In Motion who makes my phone the Blackberry Storm. What else they Make? Samsung is getting so huge they are going to run then out of business so they need all the help they can get.

EDIG was never about making widgets and selling them retail.They want customers for their tech, so it is a win-win situation to get out the business of competing with it OEMS. They would just as soon farm eVU out for few cents on the dollar, and thus get and move on to the next possible OEM...

What do you thing?...Read the comment by Falk see the picture is getting clearer?...Lol...Lol...


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