Message: It is wonderful that DM is successful on our behalf Unfortunately the management

I wouldn’t waste any more time on this brother…definitely not worth it. There are positive people and negative people in the world and it’s their choice on how they want to live. I choose to be positive and surround myself with positive people because they live fuller lives and are more interesting and fun to be around. Negative people just harp on the past and blame everyone else for their problems.

I also believe positive people live healthier, less stressful lives than their negative counterparts. I have a co-worker who comes to work each day pissed off at the world. He has an abrasive personality, sees no good in anything and dwells on all that is miserable. When you engage him in conversation, you can literally feel him trying to drag you down into his misery. Probably doesn’t help he’s a pack-a-day smoker and lives on a street called Black Cloud Loop (I’m not kidding – that’s his street name). LOL. But even if he moved to White Cloud Loop or Rainbow Avenue, his choices in life would probably keep him miserable.

Five weeks since the Markman hearing. Nothing new on PACER but I feel each day that passes with no ruling is potentially good for EDIG and shareholders.

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