Message: Been 90+ days

You are referring to Minutes of Hearing and Summary of Evidence. A TRANSCRIPT of the foregoing document is usually prepared and served on the parties by the office of the trial judge , giving them the opportunity to comment on it, and/or object to portions thereof...

It is this TRASCRIPT of the Minutes of Hearing and Summary of Evidence that becomes a part of the DECISION issued by the Judge, along with her FINIDINGS OF FACT an OPIONION ON DECISION that are served on the parties...

In this case since there were only 2 of the 8 claims "Tried" and the parties agreed that the judge's FINIDINGS on those 2 claims were "Dispositive" of the remaing 6 claims, it is clear that the Judge did not feel "Service" of the Transcript of the Minutes of Hearing and Summary of Evidence on the parties ahead of the DECISION was necessary. Accordingly, the TRANSCRIPT will probably be served along with the Decision...

Incidentally, since we are already past the 90 day time before such a transcipt is realeased, I suspect we are due the whole DECISION by the judge any day now...



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