Message: Re: Any news from eDigital....Iam et al
May 17, 2011 07:44PM

"When is the EDIG website going to launch?"

I can answer this question and it came directly from Fred.

When they announced the formation of EDIG Innovations Group per PR on 12-15-10, and put up the website although not "launched", future questions of mine and others got us a few additional answers such as:

  • new division, not a new company
  • dedicated employees reassigned from e.Digital to EDIG
  • Per the webcast 3-14-11, DR Pat Nunally to "guide" the group. In other words, head up/lead the new division still as an outside consultant, not an employee.
  • "it will be a work in progress website" Fred's words to my face....
  • the intent was to launch the site prior to the Mar SHM, which we were advise via PR to be in Mar, then per the 2-3-11 PR they said this:

    "With a goal of reducing costs and aligning to a traditional schedule the Company is now planning an annual meeting in the Summer following the release of its 2011 annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011. To bridge to the new meeting schedule the Company will hold a shareholder conference call for early March to update on fiscal 2011 activity and plans for fiscal 2012."

  • SHM put off, website launch ditto.

Between a personal visit prior to the 2-3 PR, emails answered of mine and others here with comments posted but not all since then, it is self evident from what was said from Feb-2010 until the 12/14 & 12/15 PR's, a delay took place with whatever progress was being made on the partner front hinted in the webcast where Pat said something like, "with any luck we hope to tell you more in the next few months and at the SHM this Summer." Not an exact quote but close enough....

One of my emails, out of frustration, that I did not post here was listing numerous known items that were public knowledge per the 12/14, 12/15, 2/3 PR's and the TEAC settlement on 2/28, then the comments per the 3/14 webcast, that the site could be launched immediately with all the tid bits to date, excluding the TEAC settlement because that's e.Digital news on the DM/IP front, not EDIG Inno news. Inno Div has nothing to do with DM/IP, IFE etc. DM is not involved in EDIG as stated in the webcast.

Fred's reply was right to the point, that the timing to launch the site had to coincide with the timing of other factors that could not be discussed at present. Ya, I know...not much of an answer but he simply cannot go about this any other way.

Add how long it is taking for the ruling to land and what does that spell? SHM this Summer, no significant news until after the ruling, yet on 3/16 a PR of an eVU deal with Alitalia, yet that's not the Inno Grp. TEAC settled before the ruling, so will any others do same at this point? Logic says no on day 110.

I live here in EDIG land, I visit now and then, I call or email now and then. I have questions like everyone here and have asked them for 11 years. Since the digEcor ordeal began, the lips got tight re: RP/FF, and when the DM stuff started with the DD for a year or so then the TX 7 suits in Mar-2008 I think it was(?), not even GUIDO could make RP/FF talk...LOL.

As you said Iam, there are times emails have not been answered, and if one thinks about the sensitivity of the questions asked, what does one expect? The last time I saw Fred one of the things I said was, "we share holders as a group on Agora, did a quick survey and we represent 50+ Mln shares. When we ask a question that is reasonable, we get the answer, but when sensitive/boarder line confidential, you put us in ignore. If the question cannot be answered due to confidentiality, I expect an answer that says, Joe....I can't touch that one...sorry and I trust you understand." Now I get a reply each time, as does another here who took issue with being "ignored" at times.

RP was the IR contact at ATCO, now LRAD and EDIG 50/50. That was his primary function title wise, yet he was involved in day to day everything that was e.Digital. FF as VP Corp Developement, then CEO/President and still was the lead Corp Dev guy, then stepped down the back in it, is now all that PLUS RP's role, juggling between the eVU, DM/IP stuff and the Inno Grp with Pat's help. I know some of you may laugh or think, what does he do all day? But as I said, I live here, I visit, I bug him...Guido even bugs him...LOL. He has allot on his plate no matter what you may think...I see it.

Since RP's departure, I have backed off 75%, knowing Fred can't spend all day answering tons of emails, taking calls, visits etc. A little common sense dictates for me anyway, not to push too hard and let things develope. and IMO we will see the picture come together a little at a time...WORK IN PROGRESS WEBSITE....NEWS WHEN WE CAN SHARE IT.

The above comments are a combination of public facts, one on ones and sharing my understanding of responses to questions over time, plus a few opinions.

I hope this sheds some light....

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