Message: Day (124) might be the day???

O.K., junior:...

Listen to this 81 byear old SENIOR...


It is your "Bitterness" coming through because the Judge is taking this LONGGG...

The FACTS are otherwise...

1. Edig has been holding the .08-.09 CENT RANGE FOR A LONG TIME. It did not reverse split its stock by a factor of 1 to 10 as CITI BANK did, and they are going down now...

All you have to do look at the following table that shows the MMS think the uptrend for this stock is worth keeping it. The ASKS are getting higher as we all wait for the decision by the judge.

Real-Time Level 2 Quote Montage

There are no quotes for EDIG


MPIDBid PriceSizeDate/Time
ETMM 0.085 36802 11:43
UBSS 0.08 29400 09:38
AUTO 0.08 6000 11:43
PERT 0.08 5000 05/06
HDSN 0.079 5000 05/06
DOMS 0.071 5000 05/10
NITE 0.071 5000 10:13
PUMA 0.07 5000 02/01
SUNR 0.06 5000 04/01
VFIN 0.06 5000 05/13
STXG 0.06 5000 05/31
VNDM 0.01 5000 03/07
VERT 0.0001 5000 04/15
CSTI 0.0001 5000 07:40
GARC U >year
MAXM U 04/05
cJPMS U >year


MPIDAsk PriceSizeDate/Time
UBSS 0.09 50000 09:38
ETMM 0.095 118059 09:30
NITE 0.095 47173 09:31
VFIN 0.099 5000 05/09
DOMS 0.099 5000 05/31
AUTO 0.10 20999 11:43
PERT 0.10 5000 05/06
HDSN 0.10 5000 05/09
STXG 0.10 5000 05/16
CSTI 0.13 5000 07:40
SUNR 0.14 5000 04/01
PUMA 0.17 5000 02/01
VERT 0.595 2500 04/15
VNDM 1.01 500 03/07
GARC U >year
MAXM U 04/05
cJPMS U >year

Level 2 Quote Montage: MMID - OTC Link Inside Quote | MMID - OTC Link quote | cMMID - Closed Quote | U - Unpriced Qoute | MMIDu - Unsolicited quo

2. EDIG case is not a DIVORCE case that the Judge will issue a "Lets split the difference" decision. The pleadings filed by the parties are clear. They each made their position clear. There is no "In bewteen position" in this case.

The judge has to follow the Law, (The Phillips case), (which is Favorable to EDIG), or she can ignore it and rule as defendants asked her to...

The only rational explanation for the length of time is the fact that this judge has to apply the LAW of the Phillips case to 6 of the remaining claims that were not "TRIED" before her in the MH. This makes for extra work to write a decision that will pass the scruting of the 10th Appellate District...

So, as the British say, hold your chin up and your best wishes are to come true any day now...



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