Message: As expected - no reply of Mr. Falk. What a coward! eom

You are correct randman.

The Inno site went up Dec 15.

In Mar I sent Fred a list of publically known info directly related to EDIG Innovations Group, suggesting it be launched to "throw us a bone" and put it all in one place to get the word out.

I gather from his response, the man power is focused on the IP front and new patent efforts to be demanding the majority of everyone's time. I also suspect the site will launch before the SHM. If you were Fred, would you not launch it and face this mob?....LOL. That would be a huge mistake....

As to the SHM, this 30 day thing IMO has thrown a monkey wrench into the timing. And as koala pointed out, "Summer" ends Sept 21/22.

It's crunch time to pick a date.

Does he wait for DM to respond, then pick the date? 45 days before holding the mtg using 9/22 just for the sake of discussion, means an announcment no later than the 2nd week of Aug. What makes us think the judge will respond quickly anyway? This thing will likely drag out until I have no hair left....

My head is spinning.....

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