Message: Joe/Gil - let's ask ourselves one question and see if we all answer it

I'll tell you what Fred should do. He should discuss the business with the thousands of shareholders to let them know the state of the business. The communication should be based on the Markman ruling as we have no assurance that the decision will be amended or reversed to reflect a more favorable result for edig.

It's time to elaborate on the present and what the edig team is doing to make the future a successful venture for the shareholders. To accommodate shareholder needs, a full disclosure of the Nunchi project and its impact on the business along with the status of future partnerships and when they expect to make the process operational, a time line.

In addition, a sharing of the technical aspects of the patents that have been filed to provide shareholders a progress report and the applications as they may relate to in house products or partnerships, Again a status of the projects along with an estimated time line for implementation.

It's time to show the shareholders that a business plan has been developed and where the company is relative to achieving each of the elements within the plan.

An update on how to attract institutional investing and when those actions will be put into place has been an issue that needs to be resolved.

There is plenty to talk about outside of the patent suit/Markman ruling and these issues need to be addressed to help stabilize the company.

Lastly, he needs to assure the shareholders that DM is addressing the recent Markman ruling with 100% effort.

Fred needs to grow up and communicate and provide transparency with the shareholders.

Without visibility and total support the share price and company may not recover, bad for shareholders and management/BOD.

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