Message: I tell you all....

Believing the technical experts on this board I have come to the following conclusion. If Judge K finds in favor of EDIG which in turn opens the door for the other approximately 150 companies with millions of share holders to to be facing damages, big boys that potentially have alot to lose, not only does she have to face the wrath of all of them, but her decision is POTENTIALLY very large and industry changing. A move that would surely bring much attention to her personally and be something she would have to deal with the rest of her career. If, on the other hand, she finds against EDIG she only has to deal with one small piss ant company with a core of 100 or so disgruntled share holders that believe they have been wronged and that MIGHT not even be able to stay in business and would eventually go away. Unless there is something more sinister going on here, such as payoffs, I believe that she simply took what she viewed as the easiest way out by making a vague decision and suggesting that David should take whatever crumbs he can secure in the next 30 days and be glad that he was not totally squashed by Goliath. To put it in horse racing parlance, she is betting on the odds on favorite with strong past races instead of realizing that the longshot has the goods based on the circumstances of today's race.

Based on the length of time that DM took to do their due diligence, and based on the conclusion that they came to, coupled with the deep understanding of our patents that I believe they possess, it is difficult for me to believe that they will not come back with guns blazing--I am not saying that they will prevail but have strong responses to this nonsense. Fred not talking about the current case is normal. How many times have you heard on the news, read in the paper, or seen on a cop show that a person responds "I cannot speak because this is an ongoing case.? That is to be expected. However, I believe that it IS time to schedule an ASM and be as transparent as he can about the new Innovations group and potential future business even if he has to disclaim it with something like "this may or may not actually be successful."

The stock price is too low to sell--I am here for the duration. If it goes to zero, so be it. I will watch carefully and be very interested in DM's response and based on that may use this as hopefully a final buying opportunity. Come on selling opportunity!

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