Message: Why would any defendant

want to go to court against the FlashR when they can pay just pay $1 million or so and be done with it?

That is the path of least resistence for DM/EDIG the way I see it, so if a $75 million payday over a two year window is appealing to investors, giving EDIG a more than solid footing going forward, what say you?

When this all started I recall RP stating their expectations were for hundreds of millions of dollars net. That was then, this is now.

But then again, you hate to walk away from pehaps a $500 million payday by working it to the end over a longer period of time. The opportunity costs also have to be factored in to the equation.

I really hate the idea of having to wait for the reexam to conclude prior to seeing round 3 revealed and I have no idea why they need to wait. Perhaps one of our lawyers can elucidate.

Given the process currently is about a 2 year window, the reexam will likely conclude before they get to the settlement phase and DM could use the threat of a positive reexam as leverage for some early settlements.

I'd like to see DM launch round 3 asap and keep the pressure on, while we await reexam.

I fail to see how that hinders EDIG's stance but I am open to differing perspectives.

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