Message: Re: Anyone hear that loud whistle?/BLR...Gil/D...

You may want to tell him that several shareholders are deeply concerned about the business and the lack of actual performance over the last 5 years, at least looking at engineering and no new product development.

Also the issue concerning nunchi and the hold up, it needs to be marketed and contracts signed now based on what they have, the total bells and whistles can come later unless they can explain to us why that process cannot happen.

They have an obligation to their shareholders, they have't even communicated to them the shareholder meeting results, that means almost 100% of the 25,000 shareholders didn't know what the meeting was about.

Impress upon him, that the world doesn't hardly know about the existance of edig, that they need to communicate what is happening to the investment community.

Read my other post about strategies, business plans, short tern goals, etc.

Tell him he has to learn how to play the game like most businesses.

Lastly, he has to make shareholder value the top priority, this stock should be trading in the dollar range based on what they expect, time for delivery.

What if you owned the business, now tell him what to do, it's really a simple task.

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