Message: A Question: Who Invented Flash Memory

Hello all,

I simply want to know "Who invented Flash Memory", because I apparently don't. This is a mystery because Skip Matthews, the Intel Evangelist, was involved from pretty much the beginning. If there was in fact "Prior Art", don't you think Intel would have known about it, if they were the inventor?

I know for a fact that Prior Art was never a factor in the creation of Flashback, nor '774. It was a 1st, until lately. HTC and somebody else filed for the Reexam, but both settled right afterwards. A second question: Who's paying for the defendants Reexam? I realize none of this may matter, but damn't I would like to know.

I know this is sort of like snapping in the breeze, but it still bugs me.

I simply don't know how this going to turn out, but as said before "I expect the worse, but hope for the best", for all of us.

Who invented Flash Memory!

Have faith in DM, and whoever is workinng for us on the Reexam.

See you all on the other side.


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