Message: Re: Nunchi Case Examples-The NUNCHI® Technologies in Action - Iam and All
May 30, 2013 01:50PM

But then Joe asked Fred about the wording "acquisition" and Fred said he would change the wording to include lease.

I addressed the issue of an outright sale to a single buyer. The price structure would have to be calculated on many variables.

How many licenses could we expect over the next "X" number of years. How much would we receive per license, which could be based on a number of variables, such as hits or usage at x cents or dollars per use.

It may also include sales for a partial of the entire Nunchi package and how many?

All of the above plus other scenarios would have to be calculated and converted to earnings per year over x number of years to determine the total impact and the resulting EPS and probable share price.

Would anyone be willing to offer a very large amount for an outright purchase and would that amount be in line with what the shareholders may expect. If not one may consider the possibility of lawsuits by shareholders based on inadequate data in determining the fair market value.

I suspect at this point, there isn't enough data to properly evaluate the market price and multiple licensing would be more appropriate until more definitive applications are proven and used for complex evaluations.

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