Message: IF

You're kidding right? I was talking about the number of employees they have and the fact they most likely do not have an IT staff. It's not a knock on their business whatsoever, just that they (like other smaller (employee wise) firms) don't have internal IT/website staff.

Your paragraph from their website is about the principals experience which has no relation to the number of employees they have. Go look at their address in google street view and tell me your estimate on the number of employees they have.,+San+Diego,+CA+92123&hl=en&ll=32.837968,-117.128291&spn=0.000009,0.004801&sll=41.2226,-73.05075&sspn=0.193415,0.307274&hnear=9320+Chesapeake+Dr+%23110,+San+Diego,+California+92123&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=32.837595,-117.127725&panoid=NMdtE67ng8F2eki5ZVEgRg&cbp=12,347.01,,0,4.02

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