Message: With all this information--What is our intention

Here we are according to all that has been said, solid in our own skin, confirmed as the owners of pattens that were stolen and used . How far are we willing to go? Selling a license seems to be the last thing on the minds of the thief. He has good reason , he has had it for the last 10 years and it cost him nothing but laywers fee while they made billions. That would piss me off plenty and revenge should be our matto. They think they can buy us off with less then a penny on the dollar and some here are willing to except. With all this new stuff that edig has out there , that attitude will continue to prevail as the thief continues to take our pants down.

We need to to show more back bone and go after them with blood in our sites. They did not care whether we continued as a company and in fact wanted us to go the way other had, just dissapear. That did not happen . Show some spine and look to get them by the throut and don't let go. Sue the pants off of them liscensed or not.

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