Message: Just for your information--

The past is coming back to haunt Apple, as a nearly 10-year-old class-action antitrust lawsuit accusing the company of trying to monopolize online music distribution is headed to trial. The Apple iPod iTunes antitrust litigation accuses Apple of violating U.S. and California antitrust law by restricting music purchased on iTunes from being played on devices other than iPods and by not allowing iPods to play music purchased on other digital music services. Late Apple founder Steve Jobs will reportedly appear via a videotaped statement during the trial, scheduled to begin Tuesday morning in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Plaintiffs are seeking about US$350 million in the case. Lawyers for both sides have filed dozens of trial documents over the past decade, with the court refusing to dismiss the case against Apple, but throwing out some of the original claims in a 2005 complaint. In October, Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers scheduled a trial to begin this Tuesday. Apple representatives didn't immediately respond to a request for comment on the lawsuit. The original January 2005 complaint in the case references a music distribution industry that no longer exists nearly a decade later. The document refers to iTunes competitors Napster,, Music Rebellion and Audio Lunch Box, along with digital music players from Gateway, Epson, RCA and e.Digital. - See more at:

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