Message: Especially true now:

This will be great for Microsignet []bolded, but can it become a tiered level service. -

''Microsoft, the dominant desktop OS provider for the past 30 years, achieved only 18% adoption of its Windows 7 release in its first 10 months. Most enterprises have not even begun to look at or adopt its latest version, Windows 8.

In comparison, mobile technology operating systems are updated annually, if not faster. Consumer, not enterprise, demand for new features drives this approach. Apple introduced the first iPhone in 2007. Over the course of the next seven years, Apple released seven new versions of the iPhone and eight versions of iOS. Apple has introduced a new updated version of both the hardware and operating system on a yearly cycle. Even more incredible is the rate of adoption of each new update by the end user community. iOS 7, which launched on September 18, 2013, was loaded onto more than 26% of iOS devices in only the first three days.

When comparing enterprise adoption of technology to consumer adoption of mobile platforms, it is clear that end-user expectations have changed. For a number of reasons, IT goals (primarily for security) are generally not aligned with these user expectations. ''

''Connected smart devices represent the next phase in computing. Also known as machine-to-machine (M2M) or the Internet of Things (IoT), smart devices contain specialized functions, monitors, and sensors that communicate with their surrounding ecosystems (humans, machines, applications, or other smart devices). Smart meters, smart appliances, smart cars, and smart homes represent tremendous opportunities for organizations. According to Gartner, Inc., the Internet of Things’ installed base will have grown to 26 billion units by 2020. ''\

''There are many hurdles before "everywhere, all the time" computing becomes a reality. IT needs to test, revise, and develop applications and networks. Applications must be cross-platform. Security controls need to provide a unified approach to every device type. Authentication must offer a single, consistent method of access to all devices. ''

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