Message: Re: MicroSignet utube
Feb 25, 2015 10:45AM
Feb 25, 2015 11:02AM
Feb 25, 2015 01:20PM
Feb 25, 2015 01:59PM
Feb 25, 2015 03:11PM
Feb 25, 2015 03:18PM

Feb 25, 2015 03:19PM
Feb 25, 2015 03:28PM
Feb 25, 2015 03:41PM
Feb 25, 2015 03:53PM

"Even with all that's going on we know off because we live and die with every day events I don't think EDig is known well enough or taken seriously by the "big boys" in this market and if/when that changes EDig's fortunes will."

One question: How is that going to happen? Take a company like **** that brought on a known leader in the field they are developing the stock has almost doubled in about a month.EDIG has many irons in the fire, but we need to brand something! Create some excitement amidst the big boys, let them have a financial stake in the game, IMO. EDIG has had years to develop relationships with the big boys.

We don't have to have this guy just someone on the same par, IMO.

From a press release: In recent news **** appointed Philip van Nedervelde to its Advisory Board to actively reinforce and support **** executive team in roles including that of Senior VP of Design and Chief Evangelist. ( See the last paragraph )

hilippe Van Nedervelde
Executive Director, Europe, from 1997-2014

Current affiliations:

  • Chief Executive Officer, Founder & Majority-owner, E-spaces
  • Board of World Technology Award Judges (Materials category), World Technology Network
  • Council of Advisors & Executive Advisory Team, Extropy Institute
  • President & Founder, Genootschap voor Virtuele Realiteit (Virtual Reality Society of Belgium)


Philippe Van Nedervelde represented the Foresight Nanotech Institute in Europe from 1997 through 2014. He did so primarily by means of multimedia presentations throughout Europe to audiences of all sizes and compositions (academic, business, governmental, civilian); by interfacing with the media; by representation at European Union level events such as EU parliamentary hearings and through assistance and support to US Foresight Executives when they visit Europe for presentations etc.

Thanks to an innate gift for languages and his life-long study of their associated cultures —not counting 6 and 5 humanities' years of Latin and Ancient Greek respectively, Philippe is a five-fold polyglot and presently adding Russian — Philippe takes special care to represent Foresight with particular cultural sensitivity to Europe's at times significantly culturally divergent nations.

As a regular (keynote) speaker at conferences and other events/occasions, he focuses his public education and communication efforts on making these complex multi-faceted technologies understandable, especially to lay audiences.

Reflecting his active concern for maximizing the upside and minimizing the possible downsides of powerful emerging technologies and nanotechnology in particular, in 1999, as an active member of the Monterey Working Group on Molecular Nanotechnology (MNT) Research Policy Guidelines, Philippe co-authored the Foresight Guidelines on Molecular Nanotechnology, a proposed self-regulation tool for the nanoscience field and the burgeoning nanotechnology industry intended to assure that research, development and market deployments in this rapidly developing field proceed safely and responsibly.

With the benefit of the perspective of his military experience regarding defensive strategies against WMDs — Philippe completed Special Officer-Training in Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) weapons, defense & countermeasures in his capacity of Belgian Army Reserves Officer — he is also particularly concerned with the mitigation of the WMD-related and other national and international security risks deriving from emerging NBIC technologies.

In January 2004, Philippe was invited and participated, in his capacity as an international expert on emerging innovative technologies including nanotechnology, in a select Experts-Consultation External Working Group on Unconventional Security Threats, organized in Washington D.C. by the Strategic Assessments Group (SAG) of the US Central Intelligence Agency's Directorate of Intelligence. The SAG is the Intelligence Community's focal point for providing integrated assessments of long-term political, economic, military, and technology trends in key regions of the world. As such, it runs a program involving outside experts with intelligence community analysts to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Both as a public speaker and entrepreneur, Philippe's work is motivated by a passionate desire to service and assist the aspirations of societies, organizations and individuals for perpetual self-improvement and enhancement of their performance all-round through a cautious, judicious yet committed and determined application of emerging powerful technologies, in particular nanotechnology, bio-technology, information technology and cognitive technologies, a.k.a. the technologies of the NBIC convergence.

On the for-profit side of his activities, since the early 90's Philippe's primary business and profession is in online interactive 3D graphics, a.k.a. networked or multi-user Virtual Reality or "tele-virtuality". In particular he is the award-winning founder, CEO and majority-owner of E-spaces, his VR production house specialized in online multi-user VR world and communities for business, governmental, education and consumer audiences.

E-spaces has delivered well over 50 online VR and (interactive) 3D graphics projects. Major international customer-list includes NASA, UNESCO, the European Commission, Flemish Government, Ericsson Business Networks, Nokia and IBM. E-spaces has its HQ in Belgium, with production studios in various locations in eastern Europe as well as a satellite sales office in Los Angeles, CA.

Even within his for-profit activities which are not directly related to nanotechnology, Philippe endeavors to contribute to the development of the broad field of nanotechnology. In 2001, he created, NanoVisions, an individually branded department of his E-spaces company, dedicated to 3D animations (interactive & pre-rendered) visualizing nanotechnology in general and aspects of molecular manufacturing and molecular-scale nano-devices in particular.

NanoVisions consolidates and seeks to further develop E-spaces' pre-existing efforts in nanotechnology computer graphics visualizations, such as those for the Machines Alive (1998), an international TV documentary about nanotechnology, produced by Interworld Productions, LLC (Seattle, Washington) as well as the Beyond Man (1999 & 2004) documentary by Votnik Productions (Brussels, Belgium).

A self-confessed unrepentant serial-entrepreneur, Philippe was the driving force behind — so far — two early nanotechnology business start-up initiatives. Eutactix (1997) focused on manufacturing and marketing a range of low-cost SPMs starting with an entry-level SPM for students formulated as an USB-peripheral for PCs and notebooks. NanoVironment (2000), an environmentally-themed nanotech start-up, was conceived to focus on applying nano-scale filtering technology to the cleaning of polluted top-soils, waste waters and possibly also desalination.

In parallel to other enterprises, Philippe is currently preparing two sibling NBIC convergence ventures: the Nexus NBIC Directory and XLR8 TV.

Philippe holds a master's degree in communication as well as a post-graduate degree in Media and Information Science from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. As no teaching body was offering such courses yet at the time, Philippe is a self-taught 2D and 3D user-interface designer and interactive media content producer, both disciplines which were at the core of his interactive media technologies consultancy with which Philippe started his multimedia and VR/i3D development and production career.

On a somewhat more personal note, you may be interested to know that sooner or later, Philippe consistently turns his hobbies into professional concerns, be they for-profit or non-profit. With that in mind, his past and current hobby interests include (in no particular order): spaceflight; astronomy; personal flight (Philippe flies his own two paramotors); wearable computers; augmented reality; personal computing; 3D computer games; 3D user-interfaces; Judo photography; guitar-playing; public speaking; human performance enhancement technologies; food-supplements; Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Convergence technologies; "hard" science-fiction novels & movies; transvergent cosmonomy; innovative remote collaboration technologies, including live audio-visual 3D avatars; multi-sensorial immersion technologies including visual, auditory and tactile/kinesthetic/proprioceptive (force-) feedback; auto-stereoscopic, stereoscopic and free-air interactive display technologies.

Philippe is the proud father of two sons: David (1996) and Thomas (1997).

Feb 25, 2015 05:45PM
Feb 26, 2015 09:03AM
Feb 26, 2015 09:09AM

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