Message: MicroSignet utube

I understood what you posted and very good thoughts as was this post.

When Nunchi hit the scene, IPmetrics was used to offer the IP for DD, providing a prospective licensee signed a NDA.

A line of questioning by BLR on this board at the 8-29-13 SHM directed at Cocumelli with Falk's involvement at the end, produced this...

"More than 50 companies to less than 100 have been notified of the patent portfolio, with many conducting DD."

So the answer is, we outsorced a marketing channel.


Fred knew he needed help, thus this move.

So I ask, if this well oiled machine with industry contacts, employees and executives getting the patent info in the right hands has produced nothing to date, what should make us think a lone wolf hot shot (my term) sales type will get the job done?

We have a real dilemma here don't we?

When microSignet hit the scene, the company used it's own resources to contact chip makers, has stated they are creating prototypes for we assume to be beta testing, with hopes we can license it.

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