Message: MicroSignet utube

Gee, that is funny, like strange and also humorous, because I was under the impression that Robert was the public relations guy! Who was the PR guy (or company/firm ) when the stock zoomed to $24.00 ??? Who put out hopeful PRs which made the stock jump and then fall back when the "coming news" didn't pan out? Who decided to button his lip and offer no more hopeful PRs because they had to have signed deals before they would announce something big?

Who is the PR guy right now? !!! Is it Fred? IMO, Fred wears too many hats! At least he didn't try to be a lawyer too. Thank God he hired Handal and his associates! If Handal could be hired then a PR firm/individual could be hired too. And maybe it's not about hiring a PR person per say. Maybe it's about selling the idea and the tech potential to someone(s) who can become a believer and "evangalist" and sell it to the bigger giants. Maybe it's about taking on a partner and giving up control? Or maybe just "some" control.....

When Robert was around why would he want to have another person or group taking over his territory and his share of the pie? Robert is gone now. That departure was never really clearly explained. And what ever money would have gone to Robert could now be spent on a new PR team or person. Doesn't have to be money for payment, EDIG could offer stock options with incentives tied to stock performance.

You know some of us have been here for 15 years. It is great to think we are still in existence because of Fred and others efforts. But I have to wonder where and when we can get to a more successful place with some more help in the selling of our tech? Where ever Fred found the inner strength and wisdom to hire Handal is where he needs to look to find a top notch sales person and inspriational spokesperson.

Where would we be now if Handal had not been hired??? Let's hope Fred builds on that success!

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