Message: Hey Lorie Wigle, you need our tech! Let's do lunch :)

That's OK, we are so long in the tooth that the Driving Range might be what we are relagated to now.....I still play but not with the frequency nor the appreciation I once did. Edig had better get hot or my clubs will be in the next cul-de-sacs garage sale....

On a new subject, I have not given up on EDig at all even with all the BS that is occuring. One thing strikes me, "NOONE SEEMS TO BE JUMPING SHIP". at least that we know of, especially Pat Nunnally, and the core of engineers.....Handal is still doing his thing....etc...My take is when the ship is sinking everyone heads for the lifeboat or jumps over the side.......The present circumstances "MAKE ME FEEL, AND I EMPHASIZE THE WORD FEEL" the group is staying together for SOME reason and that can only be they see a positive outcome down the road.....Just my opinion but I rely on common sense a lot more these days and that makes sense to me.....F

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