Message: Re: Re Golden $ Fred Falk comment during virtual Annual shareholder meeting

At the eDigital Virtual Shareholders Meeting I believe I heard attorney A. Handle comment about to setting a new standard in recovery for infringement of the "Nunchi " Patents Portfolio. The New Standard would not be one time Payments. IMHO Roalties or something with close similarities was mentioned. What better company to start New Standards with regarding Infringement than Google, Nest & Dropcam? Maybe Apple

As the Rolling Out of the Internet of Things has begun I see "Sensors" are being placed in many evolving product markets as part of the role out . The communications of the sensors through servers and receivers is interesting. EDigital's Patients regarding Nunchi has been tested at Markman and IMHO an Opinion favorable to eDigital. Nunchi is now a probable consideration for Inter Parties Review. One would assume the US Patents were thoroughly examined prior to being granted.

This little company developed Technology to anticipate actions and interactions amongst people much like a Personal Assistant. That statement and it's simplication speaks volumes. Google and company wants to narrow the field of reach of the patients reach.

A Inter Parties Review Threat from named possible infringing companies this early in the game speaks loudly of the Patient Portfolio's value. EDigital attorney's Handle and crew are attempting to write the scripts of how the game is to be played. Upon successful script writing in both venues Markman and Inter Parties Review I believe Fred the CEO can plan the company's actions moving forward more clearly. In a recent interview with Twist Fred mentioned he established a strange working relationship with previous infringers. I believe from those strange relationships if the game was played on a level playing field your enemies could become your friends.

The Virtual Shareholders Meeting reached a lot of listeners ears and a lot that was said is occurring sooner than later.

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