Message: FWIW

 I have noticed that the volume has seemed to increase lately so I did the following exerxcise.  I took the daily share volume(thank you Moo) for Jan. through Apr., threw out the highest and lowest day for each month, and then divided that number by the number of trading days minus the high and low.  Here is what I found.

Jan. ave. daily volume--117,518--number of trading days of 100,000 or more 8 of 19=42%

Feb. ave. daily volume--63,230--number of trading days of 100,000 or more 5 of 18=28%

Mar. ave. daily volume--127,084--number of trading days of 100,000 or more 11 of 20=55%

Apr. ave. daily volume--212,231--number of trading days of 100,000 or more 14 of 17=82% 


So Jan. and Mar. were about the same, Feb. was about half of Jan. and Mar. and Apr. was almost double of Jan. and Mar.


Last week I posted

David only defeats Goliath in fairy tales, not in today's world of money, influence, and power.  I believe that our tech is solid and the patents have value.  They have not proven to be valuable in the hands of a David that has had to move back into his parents basement just to continue in business.  I believe they have much more value in the hands of a Goliath.  This is why I believe and hope that, based on numerous happenings that began with the addition of the two new board members last year,  that the company is readying itself to be sold to an entity that can maximize the the value of the patents. To me Synap has  seemingly been moving along more quickly than patents in the past, could Michelle Lee be helping us this time around because of the possible connection with Google?  Securing new patents for securing new patents sake is meaningless UNLESS a Goliath has specifically told Edig that IF Edig can get a Nunchi continuation patent that states X approved, that relates specifically to something they need, then they would be interested in acquiring either the Nunchi portfolio or the whole company.  I believe that this is the only way that we can get a nice pay day.  Not saying that I know I am right, just sharing my thoughts and ideas.  My hope is that this could possibly be accomplished this calendar year.

Fred's PR last week

"This is the tenth patent granted into the foundational Nunchi® patent portfolio that we believe is poised to play a key role in the future of mobile communications and the Internet of Things," said Fred Falk, president and CEO of e.Digital Corporation. "The claims of this new patent address specific applications of Nunchi in transportation and infrastructure, as well as providing additional coverage in the growing Internet of Things space. We expect to leverage the additional strength of our recently granted patents, in our patent monetization activities moving forward."


When I take the increasing volume(May could be different) added to the positive sounding PR and then mix in

About Henberger
Henberger is a boutique mergers and acquisitions advisory firm providing transition-to-transaction services to businesses with revenues between $10 and $150 million. The firm’s partners John Henberger, Leo Klijn, Russ Packer and Richard Haskel have extensive experience in helping business owners discover, enhance and realize the value of their business. They have developed a proprietary methodology (IntelligentExit ®) to help business owners with the development and implementation of their exit strategy. They have honed their skills in strategic advisory, valuation and structuring complex deals in numerous transactions both in the AV industry and beyond (


my dot connecting leads me to continue to think that Fred et al will not be running this company in 3,2, or even 1 year.  Buy out, not sure.  Merger, don't know.  Value of either, no clue.  However, if my scenario comes to pass, the question is not will the buyout be above 4 cents, but how much above.  Recent increased volume?  As Doni pointed out, we did not get the gold seal of approval for the Nunchi patents by being victorious in the IPR, but the way it has played out since the Google IPR was cancelled has allowed Edig to add SPECIFIC Nunchi children.  Specific for who?  The potential acquirer?  Also, Synap has seemed to move along more quickly than past patent applications, someone on our side?  Always more questions than answers, all IMVHO.

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