Message: Re: Tommeek - This is an old post & needs to be updated (Visit 2 yrs ago)

Dec 29, 2009 07:47PM

While working in our companion Diocese of Mthatha, Dean Dance (now Bishop Dance) and his wife Diane had a lifetime's worth of profoundly moving experiences which changed their lives forever. Two, however, stand out above all others.

Itipini is a rat infested garbage dump where some 400 families exist in shacks made from materials found in the dump. The small of rot and decay is overwhelming. This is a place of poverty, violence and disease. To see hundreds of children growing up in such a place is mind-numbing. But your church is there. Jenny, a member of the Cathedral in Mthatha is a nurse who has given the last 25 years to caring for those who live in this place. She is supported by the Mother's Union in providing a clinic, a child-care facility, food, clothing and medicine to alleviate the suffering, both physical and emotional, which these children endure. Their work is heroic. It is God's work.

The Bethany Centre, a home for children abandoned at birth, is run by Sister Mary Paul, a delightful, if precocious, octogenarian nun. Ninety-six children, 40% of whom are HIV positive, are living in a facility designed to accommodate 50 children. There is not enough money to pay staff. There is barely enough money to buy sufficient food and never enough to buy sufficient medicine. There is a terrible shortage of everything but love. The faces of these beautiful children are etched in the memories of Bishop Dance, his wife, and are the inspiration of the following project.

The Bishop's project:

The Rt. Rev'd Terry A. Dance is Bishop of Norfolk (Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Huron).

For a number of years he has been visiting and spending time in the Anglican Diocese of Mthatha in South Africa which is the Diocese of Huron's Companion Diocese.

The experiences he and his wife, Diane, had in Mthatha have been profoundly moving and have led Terry to set up projects here in Huron to raise much needed financial support for the Mthatha projects.

Wellness in Africa is Bishop Terry's response to his experiences in Mthatha and the project here raises money which is sent directly to where it is needed. The value of financial support raised here in Canada can be multiplied many times over when it reaches South Africa.

If you wish to support this work, contributions can be made to:

"The Bishop's Wellness Fund"
c/o Huron Church House
190 Queens Ave.
London, ON
N6A 6H7

Tom - Terry & Diane used to be at our church in S.W. Ont from 1987 -2,000. This yr. they went over to South Africa at their own expense & Diane taught school for 5 weeks in Aug. while Terry preached 21 sermons, did a 4 day Retreat on gendre violence & HIV/AIDS as well as teach theological students & lay preachers. Their work over there has been incredible - I would love to go too!

They also have a hospice centre where some 30 adults are dying from AIDS.

The children in the Bethany House Orphanage are from birth to 7 yrs of age. this Mission is providing pharmaceutical & nutritional supplies without which they would die.T It is important that we share our abundance with a people who have absolutely nothing - we also give them hope & tell them they are loved - they are precious. The schooling nearby is critical too! Mthatha is in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Thank you again!

Fastfoot, Happy Feet, Luckyfoot, Rabbit or whatever - I answer to anything - haha! My energy never stops - maybe EDIG can use me somehow???

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