Message: HL replacement discussion

John posted on this board that he owned and would not be selling his shares...then also on this board admitted that he had intentionally lied about it and that he had sold all of his shares because he had basically lost faith in eDig.

Then he sent PM's to "a lot" of posters here stating how it was over and that he had sold eDig and bought Wi-lan, giving all the details of what a great company Wi-lan was and how he felt sorry for all the investors who lost money in eDig. His stated reasoning was that he was concerned for all the posters here and wanted to help. Interestingly he sent these PM's to many (myself included) that he does not like and has maligned repeatedly. (John already posted "most of his PM" here)

Recently he posted the information regarding Alan Cocumelli. Even after plankton pointed out that he had omitted (cut off) an important part of his cut and paste and Pravda pointed out that exercisable within a certain time period did not necessarily mean expired, he continued to repost the same info insisting his opinion was correct over and over. Couldn't he at least let it rest until there was an answer one way or the other?

Is it really a big surprise that given the history and current actions some would consider this to be intentionally misleading? Now he wants to "negotiate" who will replace him as HL? Especially when in his opinion "Its over"...


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