In Chapter 7 BK

Message: The reason why there will be a new gold standard soon!

I think i have been in firstgold longer or as long as anyone (8 years now), so if i may take some liberties. Opinions are just that, void of facts, so here are the hard facts. If you made a bad investment i do feel for you but it is no ones doing but yours. FGOC in my opinion is still a GREAT investment. The facts. FACT :The plant that was going to be used was rotted on the inside and if still good would not do what was needed, so 16 million dollars later we had a brand new plant. It took years and could not be magically wished into placed. FACT: no one saw all the changes in the epa standards that came down . FACT: no one saw the changes that World Com and the other financial bankrupties brought. Fact The epa kept moving the ball of what it would require. FACT: The mortgage crises has brought a whole new set of problems for a junior. Fact: we are still were we need to go just a little behind the timeline. Gold is coming, money will be made, and our balance sheet will get better. Whining and complaining will not speed things up at all. Their is a lab and 4 drilling rigs, offices, more land pkgs to drill on, and most of all a MAN who has put every dime he has into this company, with his sweat and dreams to make this come true (Scott Dockter). Say what you will but the goal has been as quickly as possible to get to production and we are there. PB

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