So here is the latest.
GAC, the new owners of relief canyon, has filed a docket asking the court to hold the debtor (FG) in contempt by not fully transferring all the assets in the sale. The items in question are 5 mining claims, 2 cars and the parking lot adjacent to the FG offices.
FG response to the mining claims and the cars was the debtor-in-charge, who should fix that mistake, is Eric K the manager to represent the debtor chosen by the creditor. Not the "principal" debtor Terry Lynch, who the docket is asking to be held in contempt.
As for the parking lot, FG says it was never part of the secuirty to the creditor and should not be transferred.
The parking lot is not a big asset, but it may help with lawyer fees.
As for the court date yesterday, no dockets on that yet.