can someone tell me how is it that when gnh, oversold to the roof, gets so, so results the s-p just settles back a little and when gbb gets the same kind of results , the s-p just drops like a hammer from a roof top ? When are we going to see gbb hold it's ground again? I mean it's moving much faster into proving up and becoming a real mine , drill programs are uncomparable, and gnh nugget effect makes it very hard to evaluate the size...
Can someone give an explanation? on my side , i consider that gnh must have strong institutions holdings and gbb as big houses playing the s-p as they want, doing stop loss races and manipulating the s-p to get the most cheapies each times... All in all higher highs and higher lows for both makes them good stocks, still gnh is a swing trade to me and gbb a long crusade. cheers