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Message: News!

INT wrote in its NR: "The main thrust of the erroneous report, which is in error, is focused on how users are received and managed. To clarify how the company manages it's reported numbers, the Company uses 3rd party verified services like Google Analytics for all its reported information and over 80% of visitors reach Ortsbo through direct means, not search engines or referral sites."


"Yep, as I said yesterday, even AGORACOM uses Google Analytics ... and it is not only "a well accepted methedology", it is simply the best out there."

"I trust Google Analytics numbers over anything in this world because it is coded right into every page of your website and gives you every conceivable detail you need to know about your traffic. I trust Google above anybody to tell me what my traffic is."


First of all, this is not intended as a bash of INT. So I hope no one attacks me over it. And if someone else has already commented on this, sorry in advance for repeating.

But I couldn't help but notice that INT said in its NR that it uses 3rd party services LIKE Google Analytics.

However, the NR did NOT explicitly say that Google Analytics was one of the 3rd party services in fact being used. From the Investor Relations pages at INT, it looks as though Alexa may be the main 3rd party ranking service that INT uses.

Perhaps this is unimportant. But at the very least it indicates a somewhat poorly worded news release.

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