I've noticed it takes a while for the news to settle in for investors for Legend. Even on positive news it takes many trading days to reach a revised valuation.
Remember back when the alliance with Wengfu was announced? That was on November 17 2009. The price had been steady between 0.8 - 0.9 for a few months up until then.
The Nov. 16 close was 0.75.
The Nov. 17 close (day of new release) was 0.81, hardly enough to justify a strategic alliance announcement with a major Chinese company.
On that news alone the stock gradually kept rising at a fairly even pace for the next two months, with no new news. By Jan. 13 it reached the recent high of 1.54!! (double the pre-news valuation)
This shouldn't be something to complain about. Its great to have time to build a position AFTER news is released.