Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Can someone repost JB's response to one of the members here?

One other thing that just crossed my mind and may be worth considering, depending. I dont have time to look it up now but at the very least this message will remind me to do so later. IF, and thats a big IF (if I could use something larger than all caps I would), hypothetically, if LBSR were to fold. In what order are debts paid? First in (as to time period debt was incurred) first paid? Or do lenders get precedence over those owed wages? It seems a loan and wages owed would be equal or perhaps wages take precedence. Anyway Im not sure how bankruptcy or laws related to this would work.

The reason I bring this up is because JB is owed a substantial amount for wages deferred. BG made a loan to LBSR for equipment. Initiall I thought "Ok BG made the loan, seems a fairly safe loan, if anything goes sideways and the company goes under they sell what little they have and he gets, if not all, at least a portion of his money back". But I had forgot about the money owed JB and others. So BG making the loan may have been a bigger deal than I realized depending on how debts are paid in the event a company goes under. Not that I think that is what will happen and if it were to happen I would think we would still be a couple of years away, atleast, from that happening. so the loan by BG, which I knew wasnt without risk, is a bigger risk than I may have considered depending on how such laws work.

I dont mention the company giving up the ghost to stir panic or even for people to consider that it could happen. Quite the opposite, I mention it to reaffirm the confidence some of the leadership, and former leadership, of this company has in what they see, thats if my assumptions on debt payment are correct. 

But if JB hasnt sold, and isnt considering selling, his shares AND BG would be last in line as far as debt reimbursement goes (in case of the company going under) then I think thats a pretty good indicator we are headed in the right direction even without understanding exactly what is going on behind the scenes

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