Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Change of Modus Operandi?

Willy- I usually appreciate your usually well informed and well thought out posts. So I feel bad- well- not really- that you have to endure feeling 'so, so annoyed'. Your point is well taken- that JB- like everyone else, was not perfect. But it clearly doesn't follow that BG is a better alternative- or even close. JB knew what he was doing- not only geologically- but he also had an exploration strategy. He also had a vision. And very importantly- he also was devoted, not only to the Company, but also to its shareholders- to whom he felt a real commitment and responsibility. All of this is completely lacking in BG. Not even close. You point out some supposed JB business missteps- and business and legal acumen was supposed to be BG's contrasting calling card. Really? Looking closely- so far he has proved to be neither a Warren Buffet nor a Perry Mason. Kind of the opposite, if you really want to delve into some of his legal and business maneuvers and misadventures- but we won't here. So we are left with a clueless nongeologist/explorationist- and just a failed coal miner and a hapless failed businessman/lawyer-of-sorts. And looking at the "talent" he has brought aboard- not even much of a manager.

And- by the way- examples you provide- NR 78- for one (I know you referenced it to make a different point)- shows that even back in 2008(!)- JB was using digital communication to allow remote electronic  demostrations for prospective partners-

"Liberty Star set up and populated virtual data rooms with the pertinent information compiled on the Bonanza Hills Project.  Several mining companies are approved to review the data through mutually signed confidentiality agreements."


And that- as I suggested- while "walking the land" may not be necessary- if you're going to do it- you need a Jim Briscoe to make it worthwhile. In the March 2018 report which you cite it is stated that the visiting geologists found outcropped deposits that were "the same" as found by JB and without "specific prompting" by JB or Jay Crawford- but clearly after being given hints. Without a JB- these inspection tours would undoubtedly  have been less fruitful.


So finally- I would say- with or without "rose coloured glasses"- we are more likely to find green with JB than without him.


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