One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Ramadan

Hasn't the new minister indicated the he is ready to sign off during Ramadan? Which is about 16 day's way. How does that square with some who predict the signing won't take place until Sept.? Al

ps. I am not niave , I have been here about signings of one sort or the other for over five plus years. This the most specific of which I'm aware.

PS one author on the board indicated that the ministris was more preoccupied with getting her nails and hair done . That is a cheap and insulting remark no class .I only hope she has a great sense of humor and tolerates fools should such a comment get back to her. Don't you know who has the power: we need them more than they need us. PLease when frustrated open your window or go deep into the woods and scream to let out your frustration. Don't jeopardize this deal.

I interpret such sarcasim and negative emotions as a response to expectations and a sense of entitlment. I'm curious : What have these critics contributed to the project to feel entitled ? For my part all I've contributed is some money with the hope that I make a score. I'm entitled to take that risk and that's it.I have a level of self candor " 'm in it to make a killing and no one is able or responsible for me to realize my fantasy. I'm sitting here on my ass at the computer impressing my self and letting my ego take way too much time . I need to be out tending my garden

Hoping this project doesn't prevent anyone from enjoying this day ( which could be your last) have a good day, smile and do a small act of kindness to some } Al

ps. I don't know if Edison is reading this . If so you have influenced me to take more pride in my written communication skills. I hope I'm edging up to your standards. If we should ever me I think you'd be impressed with my verbal skills , punctuation and spell are not my forte. Thnk you Edison

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