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Message: Re: How Many Feet Doze Romney Have

To all who open this. I pledge never to write about politics/religion after this message. I have taken up way too much of your time and mine. I have been having fun baiting some of the folks who have absolute positions and who have been getting aggravated with my grammar ( that has been the most fun ). So I value your time. And don't think we should turn this into a political blog. I would like Alton to read the rest of this message ' I repeat I apolojize for indugling myself and messing with people who take things so serious . That is your right , but I'm going to stop exploiting you as well as taking up space. Thanks for the fun , but it's time for me grow up. Al

ps Edison you have been the best for pushing your buttons. That's not good of me;

What I don't like is what a guy will say when he thinks he's behind close doors with his

allies and doesn't put it out there as his position.Alton , during my first 6 years of retirement I worked as a consultant to families with children in cancer treatment. Among my case load it was common for a least on parent to hold two jobs and still not make ends meet. While the chid's tteatment was a significan burden . These same folks prior to their child's dx couldn't make it. Typically they may work in retail ie. Wall Mart which is notorious for employing people with just enough hours to not qualify for benefits. So they have two such jobs. We subsize these corporations becasue it's their employees that show up at the emergency room and depend of charirty care.

I have also seen w-2 forms for undocumentesd workers who pay taxes and social security and are not able to access those benefits. To my way of thinking when Romney lumps everyone into the 49% and wants to paint them as free loaders that is bigotry. I have seen my share of folks who exploit the system, but by and large I have worked with lower middle class families who are dancing as fast as they can. My years were under the Bush administration. To me the corporate welfare : tax loop holes , how about government research and developement that is turn over to the private sector, far out cost the aforementioned. Is that not a subsidy. How wbout Churches not paying property taxes is that not violation that separation of church and state.

To me there's a smugness and bigotry when on the one hand Romney takes advantage of all the law allows in terms of his assets and tax avoidance. The most smug seem to be the folks who were born with the silverspoon. Thzeis is very subjective but I sense guys like him and Channey have the attitude of the devine right to rule. By the way during Johnson administration his buddies got most favored status with regard to Vietnahm, Also Lady bird had the only TV station that was allowed to access content of the major networks. There are plenty misconduct on both sides of the aisle.

Let's say the assertion about 49 % not paying taxes : in that number are a large cohort of folks working mutiple jobs , with out benefist and who pultry incomes don't meet the level of paying taxes. Making judgement about motivation is play god , he's way off base when when he makes a judgement that they want to live off the government. Yes there are folks out there who should be prosequited for milking the systemt thur out the class spectrim.

How about wrting something about splits. How about my request to teach me how to use the spell and grammar check on this board. I would like to lighten the arrgravation load that some of the gramiarns are experience > It would be fun to know how to use the program.

Listen how about you and I cease communicating about politics . It's my bad that I couldn't take a shot at Romney. I won't initiate any more politics. Since I'm not your only audience just don't reply to my political comments and no more from me . Let's talk splits.


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