One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Surprise!!


The Minister repeated several times to Mr. Drohan: “Don’t be concerned Frank that we are going to try to change or re-negotiate anything -- we agree on everything in the DA and are ready to sign it.

The next day, on June 9, 2014, Mr. Drohan received the following email from Mr. Hilal Al-Hinai of MOT:

“Hi Frank

Yes the DA is reviewed by the team but there is one more paper that you have to agree and sign. The team is working in it. Once it finalized I will let you know. Thanks “

You must be joking after all the assurances that we are done including a promise just a day earlier that everything is completely in order suddenly there is just one more thing which we arent going to tell you quite yet. Taking about playing with someone's head

My guess is, that the paper referred to that needs signing may be the boundary change to the krooki (deed). This is a very positive thing, given the continual assurance of the MOT to the DA being signed. I wouldn't look at it as a set back, because it has to be very minor. It's going to depend on how much time it will take for the next transaction. Thanks for the update

"Well, the DA saga is over. It's agreed to"

"That other piece of paper that Frank has to approve and sign from the MOT is in my opinion the letter with the signing date,which Frank has to agree to. Thats the MOT's way of saying, see we told you everything was ok Frank."

How can you make these claims?. Yu have no idea what they are, if they are major vs minor, etc. Why wouldnt the MOT tell Frank what the piece of paper is about if its so insignificant? I would assume the other way around but wouldnt venture a blind guess

I think its simply unreal after all this time there now is some mysterious DA issue which requires Omagine to sign. THe assurances were not iron clad so who knows at this point

Jun 17, 2014 05:00PM

Jun 17, 2014 07:16PM

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