One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

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That shows the difference bwtn us. You except excuses and support "thin air" I on the other hand would have gotten this deal done or would have been smart enough to know when to pack up and leave. IF this deal gets done after a decade it will be interesting to see if it was worth it. I honestly dont know the answer

The fact that I dont agree with all of you and that you try and deny me the right to disagree speaks volumes as to your mindset on this issue and probably most things in life. Call me negative childish etc. ITs fine with me. Bottom line Im just being honest about this particular project and the success of its team. No one in their right mnd would consider a 5 plus year delay acceptable. In ANY business manangement would have been tossed. If not a company would be broke, rudderless and with a story to tell but no one to listen. So unlike you I dont want to you to go away. Thats the true def of childish. I accept you viewpoits but vehemntly disagree with them

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