One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Okay, now what?

DOC, pertaining to your recent question on the different filings. All three are SEC filings by the company. The "biggie" is the 10K,otherwise known as the annual report. It is , to quote one of the responses by the company to those of us "nudges" constantly clammoring for more information,it consists of "Granular Detail", very specific and audited. It is also, for the most part rather tedious to read because most of the time ,any juicy information has been communicated in one ,or both of the other reports previously--- as explained next.---------------------------The 10Q, otherwise known as the quarterly report. It is required to be filed by the SEC within 35 days of the end of the company's fiscal quarter.It may ,or may not, be audited---------------That brings us to the exciting 8Q which is what most of us here thirst for. It is filed by the company,( not required by the SEC) because it reports to the shareholders, undisclosed material events (good or bad and sometimes benign) that would be of interest to us. I liken it to what many of the news agencies in the States refer to as "BREAKING NEWS".The 8Q reports consist of information the the company chooses to report before one of the regularly required filings. Things like the signing of the DA, the Tempest transaction, the official transfer of the land to Omagine etc. etc. Hopefully my simplified explanation helps, and will add one more voice (from across the pond) to pester management for those 8K filings.---CHEERIO, --BILL.

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