One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Re : I GOT A FILL.

Feb 07, 2015 12:58PM

Feb 07, 2015 03:55PM

Feb 07, 2015 04:13PM

Feb 07, 2015 10:59PM

Feb 08, 2015 07:15PM

Feb 09, 2015 04:06PM

Feb 10, 2015 04:20AM

Feb 10, 2015 12:53PM

Feb 10, 2015 04:25PM

Feb 10, 2015 06:48PM

Feb 11, 2015 02:50AM

Feb 11, 2015 11:10AM

Feb 11, 2015 11:43AM

Feb 11, 2015 12:37PM

Feb 11, 2015 04:42PM

Feb 13, 2015 04:23PM

Feb 13, 2015 08:03PM

Feb 14, 2015 03:07PM

Feb 14, 2015 05:08PM

Feb 15, 2015 12:13AM

Feb 15, 2015 05:17PM

Feb 15, 2015 07:46PM

Feb 16, 2015 02:35PM

Feb 16, 2015 02:42PM

Feb 16, 2015 04:12PM

Feb 18, 2015 04:01PM

Feb 18, 2015 04:42PM

Feb 18, 2015 05:03PM

Feb 18, 2015 05:12PM

Feb 18, 2015 06:02PM

Feb 19, 2015 09:26AM

Alton, I appreciate your concern. I genuinely do. I can't speak for Piper or Clarkster but my hunch is that they too feel the same way. We are taking a chance--a rather large chance at least on my part----no doubt about that. Since the signing of the DA I have been very concerned about the rise of ISIS especially in Yemen,a neighboring country. Also, the slumping price of oil may have given Middle Eastern countries pause, but it also should strengthen their resolve to break with their dependence on oil as the main engine of their economies.I look at these events ,coupled with the tortise-like speed at which some governments make decisions and sign contracts, as creating perhaps THE LAST GREAT BUYING OPPORTUNITY for this stock ."Patience" is sometimes the guy that is standing on the platform as the express train rips through the station and doesn't allow him to board. Oh,of course, he can hop on the next train (the local) but arrive much later at the desired destination,but fall far short of the ultimate goal (obscene profits). Soooo, I assume we are all pulling in the same direction,hoping, from the sidelines,as Frank,Charley,Sam et al are slugging away in a foreign land to try to get the project going,......Bill........ P.S.....Full disclosure. I did get a fill on an additional 4344 shares today @$2.10/share.Once Piper gets his money cleared from his broker--Katie bar the door!

Feb 20, 2015 11:47AM

Feb 21, 2015 02:09PM

Feb 21, 2015 04:59PM

Feb 24, 2015 02:57PM

Feb 25, 2015 10:58AM
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