One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Looks like some Investors losing patience

It seems each day we see more selling at lower prices. Are investors selling due to the poor stock performance, the unstable market conditions, slow progress of getting the true value on the books, losing faith the project will ever get done, or everything combined?

Personally, I think it is the combination of everything I listed, that is causing some to cash out since the signing a couple months ago. It seems irrational to me as to why some would sell out now, after the most important signing event, but maybe they believed the share price would be much higher than this after the signing and have sold out of frustration over the poor stock performance. Getting the value to show on their books is taking longer than some expected, creating further doubt in a turbulent market, which in turn causes this selling.

All I know is we will continue to slide until something is done to spark a greater interest in the stock. It is clear the market could not and would not believe that OMAG could be really this involved with a project worth over a Billion dollars. How do you overcome such a disconnect? I think it would fall directly upon the shoulders of a good IR firm, who has experience with this type of disconnect. It surely would require some solid IR campaigns to the right audiences to attract new money and the sooner it happens, the sooner the stock heads back up.

Of course we would have to wait until the market is done correcting itself, otherwise too many would not be interested in buying anything right now until the market calms down. Until that happens I will be looking to add more shares, but not until I am sure the selling has subsided. I did buy a bunch more at $1.50, but now it seems that was a little premature, as it moves even lower. It is not easy weathering the storm, but it is instances like this where one can make the most from his investment by buying when others are selling.


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