One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Yet another deadline looms! July 2017

Or, maybe, just maybe, one of the 3 investors will actually come through in July.  And when that happens (if it happens, and I believe it will), there will be a $25 million capital infusion - cash - and the company will FINALLY be able to begin fulfilling everyone's dreams (the ones related to the project ... not the other dreams that sometimes come up). 

Of course, if July comes and goes with no new investor, which is certainly a real possibility, then yes, you will be correct.  This company will be gone.  The way I look at it, our investment has already all but evaporated, so what's the point of crying over the last few ($0.111) pennies?   We've already taken it in the gut. 

Looking forward to, hoping for, a big ole Whoo Hoo in a few weeks.

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